I thought that you would like to have your own website. Not under these circumstance of course. But I needed to do something for you. Now your friends and family can talk to you. I dont know how I would have gotten through alot of hard times if you weren't by my side. You came to the hospital when I had my accident to say goodbye and I feel so guilty that I wasnt there to save you. You would always put your arms around me and pull me close telling me the same thing "Everything is going to be okay Ash, I'll always be here." Now what am I going to do. I know that your probably looking down on me right now saying that same thing, but Mike its so hard. You and me always said that if we weren't married by the time we hit 30 than we were going to marry eachother. lol. You are my best friend and always will be. My happiest times and my happiest memories all include you. Ill hold those memories so close to my heart and never let them go. I promise. And don't worry we'll all be looking out for Mattie and you Grandma. I'll do whatever I can. Make sure you save a spot up there for me and tell Brian, Lutz, and everyone else that I send my love. Ill be seeing you. I love you.
Always and forever,